Friday, August 10, 2012

It will be Paradise.

Hello all!!

I am so very excited about this whole weekend. There is so much happening right now!!
I spent the whole week working about eight hour days.. but then last night I went camping with some of my really great friends! One of my best friends, Sarah Heywood, is turning 18 while in college at UNC-Chapel Hill. So we basically didn't sleep at all.. But had a blast! Eating junk food, hiking, camp fires, mud fights (from the resilient rain..)!!
Now today- after getting home at 7am, and on zero hours of sleep...I had another get together with some of my same, amazing friends and got to say goodbye to two of my best friends who are going to college down south. Again, Sarah Heywood, who is leaving on Sunday, and Erik Galloway - who is leaving on Tuesday. Erik is going to Indiana University in Bloomington. Maybe it was the lack of sleep, or the fact that these are the first two of my friends to be leaving, but I cried like a baby while saying goodbye.
I can't imagine what it'll be like later with the rest of my friends.

Tomorrow, at around 8am, I will be hitting the road with my best friend, a name you all know, Amber Hopfensperger on the way to the COLDPLAY MYLO XYLOTO CONCERT IN MINNEAPOLIS!!!!!

This concert will change my life. I am not joking. For the past three weeks, Amber and myself have been on a Coldplay diet, where we are not allowed to listen to the band AT ALL. I'm about to die!

Till next time, where I will be posting pictures and details from my amazing weekend, keep breathing people!!
I can't wait for this concert, it will be, I dare say, Paradise.


1 comment:

  1. We are still waiting for your Coldplay concert video to be posted. It's amazing.
