Monday, December 17, 2012

Welcome to the World. Again.

Hello everyone!

I apologize, I know it's been so long since I've updated last. I have no real excuse, other than I has indeed been a crazy busy time recently. As some of you may or may not know, it is finals week in college!! And if you go to an intense school like mine, you'd be having massive work loads for the past couple of weeks! FORTUNATELY, I am pulling through it all well! I have had two finals so far; and received A's on BOTH!! It's awesome to see and feel that all my hard work and dedication to my work is paying off. And I actually feel like I am learning quite a bit!

Moreover, my work with our newspaper has gotten better as well, although now the paper is finished until next semester. On that note, next semester will test all my skills; I will be taking all very difficult classes, and I am expecting no mercy. So, I am debating not working for the Oracle again. It was nice to have that small income coming in, but I will need a better paying job.

Only two more days, and two more final exams to go!! Religions and Communications! I am studying for both of them in depth, you may feel the class was easy as pie, but when it comes to a final exam, you never know what you'll get. I'm trying to keep my head up.

On the other side of college - the social side; I couldn't love my family here more. We went out to a lovely Christmas feast at Bucca di Beppo last night and all dressed nicely and simply enjoyed each other's company!
CHRISTMAS IS COMING VERY SOON!! No matter what you celebrate, happy holidays to everyone! Be safe and warm this season, and get some loving family time in! I can't wait to get home and see everyone!
Life is really falling into place for me, and I couldn't be happier.

So, wherever you are in college, or in celebration, keep breathing and stay happy everyone!!

-Sof xoxo

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