Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Busy days.

Hello beautiful people!

I am so very sorry, I have been awful at posting. But, in my defense, I have been extremely busy these days. ...Even if I only have one follower...Does anyone even care about my posts?? Probably not. But it helps me with stress relief so SUCK IT UP.
Anyway, today is Tuesday. And BOY has it been a busy day, I didn't get home until about 8 because after school I had yoga club, then I had to pick up my sister and her friend, run to the friends house to pick up some clothes and do chores, drop them off back home then go all the way back to the high school for my LAST pep band game. (For a grade.)
When I did make it home, I spent the entire time managing my clubs and work schedule, emailing groups and teachers and finally doing homework and studying for tests tomorrow. GAH.
I have a big psychology test tomorrow...yay..

A while ago, my iPod broke and I finally sent it in to be repaired last week...I'm going through some serious withdrawal.
I have had no inspiration to write because all of my topics and poems are on THAT IPOD!!

Been looking forward to college a lot more lately...I've noticed myself thinking about Hamline more than Twin Cities....I don't know yet though, I just want out.
Life is stressful and tiring and purely lacking in any sort of enjoyment whatsoever.

I had TONS of fun this past weekend with my best friend...we had a sleepover during the snowstorm that hit, and had an EPIC snowball fight with some friends. It was a really great time and I just really love it when everyone gets along.
Yay friendship.

BUT then Tuesday came around and so did school...and reality hit home with work on Monday. Thank goodness for yoga.
Seriously guys, you should all try yoga. It's awesome.
I'll put that in my next list of steps to being happy!

Also, I had solo and ensemble last weekend, and my solo went really well! I am just happy to be done with it, though I loved loved loved the piece. (as hard as it was...)
...insert random pictures here.

Anywho. That's about it for tonight... Tomorrow is Wednesday, and I am not looking forward to it. I dislike Wednesdays...But the good news is, I'll be heading to the library after school to study and do homework, so until then!..


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