Hello beautiful people, today's post will be on a serious note.
Today and tomorrow are very special days for me, they mark the beginning of a new me. (Believe me, I know how cheesy this sounds, just bear with me.) Last year was my junior year in high school, and if that is not difficult enough with all the advanced and AP classes, I lost myself completely to stress. To top that all off, I fell head over heels in love. In love with someone I knew I couldn't have, and though it was real, and, "he really loved me too..." sometimes it's not enough. I fought it, hard. We had a secret, and kept it well. Even though I knew it was killing me to be with him like that, it felt so good when I was. And, when he started to pull away, I reacted in a way I will always regret. I lied. I lied about my life to keep him close, to keep him wondering about me. This went on for a good amount of time.
I know for those of you reading this...who have absolutely no idea who I am...it must be hard to picture my whole situation, and nobody will ever know the whole story, except for him and I. That's all right, I am not telling people this because I want sympathy, understanding or criticism. Believe me, when the truth came out and my life fell to the floor, I got enough of it.
The reason I am sharing my story is because people need to hear that, sometimes, people mess up. We are not alone.
Anyway, it has been one year since I fell to pieces, and I am still here. Life is still crazy, and we're all still just breathing it in. It gets better, and I really found myself over the past year. I have friends who have been by my side since day one, my best friends. People still ask me about it too, from time to time, and that's okay. I'll tell them what I did.
I still see him around sometimes. He's doing all right, I hope, and I am good too.
That's it for this post, kids. I hope someone read this...If not, that's okay too, as long as I know it's out here.
Keep breathing, people.
(best song ever omg.)
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