Hello beautiful people!!
Please ignore the title of this blog post...I had no idea what to call this post, so I chose one of my favorite songs by Passion Pit. (Check em' out!)
Anyway, this post is just a quick update on my life. Here goes nothing, again.
So, classes are really starting to become more settling. I finally have my whole schedule worked out, and I know when to drop off certain books, where to sit to do homework...and when I can squeeze in a coffee. :)
Life is good! I had an awesome weekend and met/became closer to some really cool people. I cannot stress enough how much better college is vs. high school. Honestly.
People are just so open here, and friendly. Everyone cares about doing well, and the drama stays AWAY!
Currently, I am sitting on my bed, writing this lovely post to you lovely people. My two roommates, (Amy and Yvonne..aka NIGHTHAWK) and my amazingly cool friend Martha are with me- in my dorm. I'm supposed to be doing homework right now...and I was! There's so much on my mind, but the best was I can describe it is pure excitement to be here. Meeting all these great people and being a part of this college is just what I needed.
Like my picture, guys??? :)
Had a lovely Skype date with Amber earlier. <3 Miss her too much.
Hopefully headed back to the U of M soon, so see more people and have more fun!
But I am off to finish more homework...Maybe have a Lord of the Rings movie night tonight!!
Keep Breathing guys...<3
-Sof xoxo