Thursday, September 27, 2012

Another late night on the 3rd floor.

Hey guys.... It's going to be another late night here on the third floor of our campus library. I thought i'd post some pictures in case anyone needs to reference a crazy busy, tired, stressed, yet incredibly happy college student!

If anyone can relate/is in the same situation, the important things to remember are to sleep as much as you can, whenever you can! Eat eat eat, but HEALTHY!! Get in that stress relief with meditation, and exercise and DRINK PLENTY OF FLUIDS!!
Keep breathing and keep going, guys!

-Sof xoxo

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I'm on deadline!!

Hello beautiful people!

I don't remember if I mentioned to you guys or not that I got a job as a writer for our college newspaper?? If I did...then I am sorry for the repetition. If not; CAN YOU BELIEVE IT??

Anyway, the reason for this post is not to reiterate that I now, have a job. It's to tell you that today at precisely 5:06, I was emailed my first assignment...DUE TOMORROW. Yeah! This job is crazy and insane and I LOVE IT! I had to bike an hour through Saint Paul, (an area I am not at all familiar with) to get to this restaurant called the Chatterbox Pub, (check it out if you're ever in the area, it's great!) to interview the owner and a few customers. Now, remember, I was sent this assignment around 5, didn't get it until about 5:30 after diving practice, had to shower in minutes to get my butt on over there. After the interview, the owner gave me a complimentary meal!! It was delicious! *ahh the perks of being a journalist ;)
I arrived back to campus at about 8:45- and I JUST finished my story, after downing a grade Chai tea latte from Starbucks. :)

*breathes* Tomorrow right after communications class, I have to run over to my staff meeting with the Oracle (the paper name).
And I still need to finish my homework for tonight...Ahhhh busy busy busy..
Keep breathing everyone!!


Monday, September 24, 2012

Late night study nights...

Hello all,

I thought it was time for a round of "STUDY SESSIONS WITH SOF"!!!
It's about 10:41 and my friends and I are just hanging out in someone's dorm..doing homework, reading, texting, studying etc.. Hopefully I will be able to gather up enough focus to finish studying for my communications exam tomorrow.

I hope everyone has had a spectacular Monday! I know mine was majorly busy, and I went diving for the first time in months!! It felt great to be back on the board. It wasn't much, but it was something.

I continue to feel incredibly thankful for the people I've met, and this amazing experience I've been given. I just hope I don't mess it up now. :P

Have a fantastic night everyone!! I'm off to finish studying and maybe have some chips and salsa tonight!

Keep breathing,
-Sof xo

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

God, I just really hate pickles.

So...I'm sitting in bed right now drinking some very delicious tea...(THANK YOU JEFF!!) I am quite sick today, and not feeling at all like doing anything.
I was finally able to prop my sickly self up enough to type out something semi interesting..

The title of this post is dedicated to my lovely friends Jeff and Yvonne, who INSISTED I write about pickles today...though I have no idea why..
I have so much homework to do.

So I will leave you at this; Pickles are disgusting.
This is all. Off to more homework.

Keep breathing

Monday, September 17, 2012

It's Not my Fault I'm Happy.

Hello beautiful people!!

Please ignore the title of this blog post...I had no idea what to call this post, so I chose one of my favorite songs by Passion Pit. (Check em' out!)
Anyway, this post is just a quick update on my life. Here goes nothing, again.

So, classes are really starting to become more settling. I finally have my whole schedule worked out, and I know when to drop off certain books, where to sit to do homework...and when I can squeeze in a coffee. :)
Life is good! I had an awesome weekend and met/became closer to some really cool people. I cannot stress enough how much better college is vs. high school. Honestly.
People are just so open here, and friendly. Everyone cares about doing well, and the drama stays AWAY!

Currently, I am sitting on my bed, writing this lovely post to you lovely people. My two roommates, (Amy and Yvonne..aka NIGHTHAWK) and my amazingly cool friend Martha are with me- in my dorm. I'm supposed to be doing homework right now...and I was! There's so much on my mind, but the best was I can describe it is pure excitement to be here. Meeting all these great people and being a part of this college is just what I needed.

Like my picture, guys??? :)

Had a lovely Skype date with Amber earlier. <3 Miss her too much.
Hopefully headed back to the U of M soon, so see more people and have more fun!

But I am off to finish more homework...Maybe have a Lord of the Rings movie night tonight!!

Keep Breathing guys...<3

-Sof xoxo

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Words of Wisdom

"'Conjoiner rejoinder poisoner concealer revelator. Look at it, rising up and rising down, taking everything with it.' 
'What's that?' I asked.
'Water,' the Dutchman said. 'Well, and time.'" 
-Peter Van Houten, An Imperial Affliction

Monday, September 10, 2012

Happy Monday!!

Hello everyone! I hope you all are having a spectacular Monday, and had an awesome weekend! I know I did!
I got to go to the U of M with my roommate to visit my bestest friend Ambarrrr:)
We had so much fun, and although it was totally uncomfortable crashing on the floor of her dorm overnight, I still had a blast!
Last night my roommate and I ordered Jimmy Johns and watched The Dark Knight...Omg epic. I love Batman <3

Anyway, here are some more pictures of me flaunting my cute dress in my dorm room today..enjoy!

I hope everyone has a great week, more to come soon I promise!

Keep breathing everyone! 
-Sof <3

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I am so incredibly happy.

I love my roommates. Everything is so amazing right now, I wish I could freeze this moment.

Keep breathing. 
-Sof <3 xoxo

Monday, September 3, 2012

Pipers UNITE!!!

Hello all!!

This next post will be on a very exciting and new topic that is my COLLEGE LIFE!!!!
I am finally here, at Hamline University beginning my 4 years as a college student. This is a huge transition in my life, and I have been very very busy with it all, so forgive my laziness to post on some occasions!

<< This is me. In my dorm room. At my very own desk. Under my very own lofted bed. At my very own computer.. Obviously. ;)
*Notice the dream-catcher in the background??

Anyway, I thought maybe, to go along with the college theme, I could do a sort of college experience series.. Like do's and don'ts??
Not that I really know all that much about it...I haven't even officially begun my classes yet! (They start on Wednesday.)

I'm still considering a lot! Like "steps to being happy...AT COLLEGE"
Or.... Things to do while you're bored...AT COLLEGE.
Or... What to use/wear/eat/use...WHILE IN COLLEGE ;)

Can you tell I'm a bit excited?? Keep breathing everyone and hopefully more to come very soon!!

<3 Sof